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2 month ago
Such a stud.
4 month ago
Cream of the Crop needs to be uploaded.
5 month ago
Fox Tale needs to be uploaded.
1 year ago
Ty was my fantasy when he was younger. Not goodlooking, just plain beautiful, with the bronze body of a god, and a super nice dick. Would have worshipped him, sucked him dry, and he could fuck the daylights out of me, as much as he wanted.
2 years ago
I never thought he was a good performer or even very good looking. Obviously he"s stacked. What he did do was feed my fantasy of finding out that someone I knew and had a hard on for, like a teacher or coach, or just somebody"s husband or dad, was in fact a porn star and everyone found out about it. His real life turned out that way.
2 years ago
At his prime, he was one stacked prime A beef!! They don"t make them like him anymore!!!
5 years ago
Ty Fox... What can one say about one of Catalina"s hottest new finds back in the day... until scandal broke... of a double life that got exposed by some sanctimonious prude... Personal life came crashing down and his porn life took off even more... Anybody who desired Ty Fox; badly; was really desiring him even more; back then... Before Ty Fox left the porn biz; he granted fans their last wish of him... to see him bottom... and he did; beautifully... a perfect send off... Of course; with tears in the fans eyes; they wanted to see him bottom more... I still dream of endlessly devouring and fucking Ty Fox"s hot, thick, muscled bubble booty... The team up of Ty fucking Tom Katt was scorching in Catalina"s Come And Get It...