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2 Monate vorher
Great Model I wish there was a good copy of his best work Give It To Me coach
7 Monate vorher
Had a quasi threesome with him a few years back and he was a complete asshole. He had a major problem with the fact we didn"t have oil based lube. Bitched that we "kept our house too clean". Had a major problem when he asked why we were speaking softy and we said the walls were thin and the neighbors could her EVERYTHING. (*we lived in a tiny townhouse in a quiet neighborhood in SF and it was 3 am). After giving a five minute lecture about how "sex isn"t shameful", he moved on to throw a mini tantrum because we had porn on TV and "HE was supposed to be the entertainment". Then went to "get something from his car" and didn"t return. The only somewhat nice things he said the entire time were "you look like my X" and ""Apple TV, nice"
10 Monate vorher
1 vor einem Jahr
Just watching him with another guy makes my dick hard (and that"s just when he"s talking to the guy)
1 vor einem Jahr
An old crush of mine!!
2 Jahre vorher
handsome, sexy stud!
2 Jahre vorher
sexy as fuck
4 Jahre vorher
Gostoso ele