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2 Monate vorher
get me pregnant and marry me you sexy MF"r
3 Monate vorher
Delicioso Desejo
7 Monate vorher
Derek Allan has a nice, big dick and likewise a nice body!!! I like that!!!
8 Monate vorher
Derek AllEn is not Derek AllAn
1 vor einem Jahr
Derek AllAn and Derek AllEn are two different people and you have them amalgamated into one profile. Can a mod or whatever please fix this?
1 vor einem Jahr
Te vi en "Fast Load"...y cada vez me gustas más ;)
1 vor einem Jahr
THIS is the Derek Allan I like!
1 vor einem Jahr
Cada vez me gustas más hermoso machito versátil. Tu actitud y naturalidad me encantan. Ya estás en el altar de mis favoritos ;)
1 vor einem Jahr
Te vi en la escena con Alex Kof y me gustaste mucho. Hermoso machito versátil!
1 vor einem Jahr
Te ves bien bueno papito. A conocerte pues ;)
1 vor einem Jahr
I think that’s the wrong person in the headshot. Still hott tho
2 Jahre vorher
Deliciosos Desejo
2 Jahre vorher
So fucking sexy.
3 Jahre vorher
DAMN, would LOVE to get you NAKED and into my bed. Would LOVE to sample them GOODIES of yours!!!!!
4 Jahre vorher
Can someone load this: Diego Summers bareback fucks Derek Allan with his huge dick
4 Jahre vorher
Darek you are awesome. I saw your videos number of times
5 Jahre vorher
Derek, I want you bad. You’re perfect!
5 Jahre vorher
Damn, Derek Allan!... That fine, shaped beard surrounding them fine shape, full lips... In order of my attention to his fine ass details... Lips, cheeks; cock & balls and squeezing his Ultra Charmin booty cheeks for warm freshness... before I have him completely drop them drawers and spread them legs for a deeper attention to his details...
5 Jahre vorher
You looking too hot♥️♥️